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Reduce Your Cataract Risk

Right now, consider the value of your vision. It enables you to function and be self-sufficient. How would you adjust without it?

Millions of people around the world confront this question as cataracts begin impeding their vision.

How Cataracts Affect Eyesight

Cataracts cloud the eye’s lens. The lens’ job is to focus light onto your retina. Without a clear, healthy lens that focus is diminished. Vision becomes blurry, hazy, and discolored.

At first, vision can be improved with magnification, good lighting, and other low vision aids. However, cataracts are progressive and eventually the only way to regain sight is through surgery.

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Eye-Healthy Habits Can Reduce Cataract Risk

While the exact cause of cataracts is unknown, you can take measures to protect yourself, boost your eyes’ defense mechanisms, and protect them from harmful elements.

  • Always wear UV protection. UV light has a cumulatively damaging effect on your eyes, and has been shown to correlate with cataracts incidence. Talk to us about our excellent selection of protective eyewear.
  • Quit smoking, or never start. Numerous studies have shown that smoking severely increases your risk of developing cataracts.
  • Eat an eye-healthy diet. This includes antioxidants like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Your eyes rely on vitamins and minerals in your diet to counteract daily damage!
  • Monitor your sight through regular visits with our team. We can catch early signs of eye disease, and help you understand and regulate your risks.

Vision Is Our Passion

We all use our vision to connect with the world around us. Protect your healthy vision by taking good care of it. Let us know if we can ever do anything to help. We care deeply about preserving the healthy vision of our patients.

Thanks for being a valued part of our practice family!

Top image by Flickr user Luca Sartoni used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.